I must admit we have been spoilt with the weather. I thought that by now it would be raining every day and that we’d have one of these miserable autumns where all you want to do is to stay indoors. But I don’t think I have a right to moan. Yes, we had some frosts and it is wise to start wearing gloves, but the last two weekends have been absolutely fantastic!

I loved our walk on the beach. The sea was very calm and the water was clear – just like during a summer month. Well, you could easily be fooled it still was summer!
And that’s what you see if you get to the beach early enough – before crowds of people have flooded to enjoy the clear air:

It must be really nice to gallop on a lovely horse taking in the scenery from above.
By the way, this reminds me of one photo seen in some magazine about the south of France, where they also take horses along the coast. I never thought I’d see anything like that in Lithuania though. France and, of course England, are countries with deeper equestrian traditions, so somebody riding a horse is not a rare sight. Meanwhile here, in Lithuania, it isn’t that popular – I think we are only starting to revive such traditions and I’m really glad about that.

And yesterday was all about leaves… After clearing some in our own garden we headed to have a look at the changing colours in a park.
The Green seems to be giving up and the Yellow and the Red are starting to prevail, before they force the leaves to slowly cover the ground.

It’s a constant battle even for the clouds and the sun. Look at that angry sky! Lucky this didn’t turn into a storm and the clouds were pushed away, so I could continue trying to capture yellow leaves spinning in the air before reaching the still green lawns.

At the moment it’s only one or two at a time, but any stronger wind will leave the trees naked… It will take time to get used to this, but by then we’ll be looking forward to seeing some snow – sooner or later winter will win the seasons' battle.
Beautiful pictures, as always, Kristina. Fall in Germany seems to be rainy so far. Or maybe they had sunshine while I was away in Spain, and we're now going directly for winter, who knows. Snow tomorrow? Nothing seems impossible :)
Oh, Kristina, these images are just to die for. If only the weather would hold just so... while you take in all that gorgeousness. I especially love the gold and red-gold leaves.
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