It’s supposedly the biggest ship in the Lithuanian fleet and therefore it’s named Maxima, although my dad says that the previous ferry he used to work on – Gloria – is 40 centimetres longer. Well, maybe it is, but I don’t think that this matters, when you stand on the six’s floor and look down into the water…
Most of the journey we didn’t see anything, but the Baltic Sea. Occasionally we’d spot a boat, so far away that it would look just like a dot on the horizon, but it got more and more interesting when we entered the outskirts of Kiel.

The North Sea is a lot different to the Baltic and always attracts my attention. First of all they have floods! I can’t even imagine turning up on the beach and finding out the there’s no water…
Another minus - in the region where we stayed, there are no dunes! You climb over a hill covered in grass and find more grass… Well, this can be explained – these are flood banks that clever Germans started building in the 11th century (back then they were only 40 centimetres high, now they reach 8 meters!).
The other clever thing they do is let their sheep on these hills so that they would trample the grass down and make the whole construction stable. I love sheep, so I have to say there’s something positive about the North Sea.
The green grass might look good in photos, but I prefer lying on hot sand and not sitting in a basket, oh, and I also prefer to wear my bikini! They say do in Rome as the Romans do, but I don’t think I would ever dare to demonstrate my naked body the way Germans do – they have no changing cabins, so just take everything off and go for a shower to wash the sea water off! (No photos to illustrate that, I’m afraid… just the crazy basket.)
I might be moaning a lot, but I can think of one more positive thing - they have lots of crabs and shrimps in the North Sea! Several years ago in Wales, amazed to how easy it is to catch crabs (and then informed that I shouldn’t say anything like that as somebody might have other ideas) I never loose the opportunity. This time just on a string with a bolt to weigh it down and some German cheese to lure the strange creatures, I managed to catch two at once! (No worries, both went back into the sea.)
It might seem that the holidays in the small town on the coast went pretty slowly. Yes, we did watch the sunset and yachts returning to the harbour before the gates were shut, we walked on the beach and observed some wild life - but just one night. In reality we managed to pack a lot into our five days!
Another minus - in the region where we stayed, there are no dunes! You climb over a hill covered in grass and find more grass… Well, this can be explained – these are flood banks that clever Germans started building in the 11th century (back then they were only 40 centimetres high, now they reach 8 meters!).

An excellent read, very well done :)
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