Tuesday, 19 January 2010

More of January

It’s still cold here, but it hasn’t snowed for a while, so everything is starting to look dirty. Need more snow! Or maybe for the spring to come early? I must admit I’m already thinking of what flowers we are going to plant this year…

Anyway, here’s a few scenes that have been captured this January with my new camera that I got for Christmas. I still have to learn how to use it properly, so I’m sure there’ll be many more photos to share.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Birdie Matters

I’ve asked a builder, who has been doing some work on our cellar, to make me a little house for feeding birds (there must be a special term, but I don’t think I know it). I assumed he’d think I’ve gone mad, but it seems he liked me and all of my unexplainable dreams to live on a farm (hey, not every city girl dreams of such things!), so he never said a word and built it.

Remembering a phrase from some film – “if you built it, they will come”, I started waiting. Well, after I’ve put some bread crumbs obviously.

1st day – I waited.
2nd day – I waited. (Crumbs seemed to have frozen, so I added some new ones.)
3rd day – I was still waiting.
4th day – THEY CAME!

The feast lasted about 5 minutes as it seems that there came the wrong ones!

I expected lots of tiny yellow bellied tits or bright red robins, or at least little brown sparrows, but I got just magpies, which are well known for being thieves.

Anyway, the crumbs have been replaced and I’m waiting again.

P.S. I was told that the special term is feeding tray.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Moving On – Slowly

Not much has happened recently as it’s so cold outside that the most appealing option is to stay indoors and drink big cups of hot tea. Don’t get me wrong – I do go out occasionally, especially when the weather conditions change and I’m eager to get them on my camera!

Just like this fog, that crept up unexpectedly and hid everything around us.

Believe it or not, on an ordinary day you’d be seeing a forest, but the fog has turned this path into “a road to nowhere”.

If I decided to put some wet washing outside it would freeze within five minutes. Yes it’s that cold! (I haven’t experimented yet, but I’m sure the result would be pretty amusing - “wooden” t-shirts and trousers…)

The Baltic Sea looks calm, but definitely not inviting.

The grass has turned into hay.

And the only place you could find something resembling a flower is by the running water, a stream that hasn’t been stopped, where cold has formed some graceful sculptures.