I’m keeping an eye on quite a few blogs and it seems that more and more bloggers are getting into Christmas spirit. Just like me!
First snowflakes and dark evenings are signs that the magic holiday is getting closer and closer…
I love this period and the whole anticipation – I have so many ideas for decorations, presents and treats… I hope I won’t run out of time!
I knew I wasn’t the only one with Christmas on my mind when a few days ago my friends started talking about swapping Christmas presents. It was decided that this year we should swap presents that we have made ourselves (don’t know if this decision was triggered by the economical crises or the fact that handmade things are getting more and more popular, but I said “yes, let’s do it!”). We haven’t agreed on a budget for the materials that we’d need, I think that someone even suggested that: “the present has to be made of something you already have at home”, so I guess it will have to be something not expensive, but original…
I could make lots of things (blowing my own trumpet or what???), but whatever idea I had, I realized that for most of them I’d need to go shopping – need yarn for a scarf, need a wooden box or a frame if I want to decorate them using decoupage technique, need canvas for a painting…
Anyway, after several days of thinking and looking through my crafts box I decided that I’ll make an effort to create a bracelet from small beads! I’ve never done that before, but… always wanted to.

It turns out it’s not that hard, but you need to be patient. I’m using a lid from a shoe box – made small carvings at each end where the threads go and then just work with a needle.

At the moment my only concern is what to do with the threads on the ends once the bracelet is done. I guess I will have to look into it…